Our Services
Promotional Videos
Capturing your story with video, using a own story framework to ensure that your key messages are communicated effectively.
- Scripting Writing
- Professional Lighting, Sound, Camera Kit
- Editing Services with revision requested.
Video Marketing Workshop
Equipping you to share your own stories with video
- Learn how to plan, film and edit your own videos.
- A practical and tailored approach. workshop.
- Suitable even if your not a technicy.
- Building skills and confidence to create your own videos on your smart phone, tablet, or camera.
- Delivered online on in person
- With 30 days support & a set of notes given at the end
What we’re really about
Filmmaking workshops
To inspire young people, cultivating creativity through film making, founded on the STEAM framework, that provides a head start in employability and community engagement.
Credibility and Delivery
AQA Accredited
We are recognised and accredited by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance
10 Years of Excellence
Deliver by professional videographers with experience working with young people including SEN.
What our customers say
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To find out more about how we can help to empower the next generation.
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