Be The Change
Many young people feel powerless to make a change. This feeling has only increased for some due to the pandemic.
Our project gives young people the opportunity to engage in community citizenship and highlight topics they are passionate about through media. Allowing them to produce campaigns, about changes they want to see in their local communities.
Topics Covered:
What is a video campaign?
How to share your stories
How to plan, film & edit videos
Our Impact
We delivered the Be The Change workshop for a Big Local Community group Kirkholt Million in Rochdale. The young people created their own video campaign using professional equipment as well as their phones and Tiktok.
They learnt how to tell their own stories and shared one thing that they would change about their community.
Key Skills and Outcomes
- Plan, filmed and edited a Tiktok video
- Learn inspiring facts about the Kirkholt
- One young person now wants to be a new presenter
- Learn how to effectively tell their own story
- Use professional equipment including green screen technology
What Our Students
Are Saying

I‘ve enjoyed watching other people do things like dancing. I’ve liked seeing them do what they really like.

It‘s exciting because we’re all learning new things and being creative and productive, which normally I don’t even get out of my room!

We’ve been learning how to use cameras, seeing people dance . I’ve also learned how to use mics and act as a director. It’s been pretty good!
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